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List of patches | ← N/A | 2.2.2 | N/A → |
2.2.2 was the initial release of Team Fortress 2 Classic. It was released on an undefined date. The patch notes were initially released on the official blog. It is the most recent update to the game.
2.2.2 was a minor update for Team Fortress 2 Classic, released on January 26, 2025. It featured some general bug fixes.
It is the most recent update to the game.
Weapon Changes
- Updated the Admiralty Anchor:
- Raised minimum earthquake radius to 96 (from 64)
- Raised minimum earthquake damage multiplier to x0.5 (from x0)
- Trail particles no longer render in first person
- Adjusted tauntkill timings
- Updated the Dynamite Pack:
- Defused Dynamite Packs are no longer able to apply the stun effect from direct hits
- Tauntkill now spawns bomblets
- Updated the Wrench:
- Wrench hits will now defuse Dynamite Packs far more reliably
- Updated the Rejuvenator:
- Overhauled the ÜberCharge Generator shield appearance
- ÜberCharge Generator gibs now grant ammo and metal to players
- Fixed servers not always transmitting the ÜberCharge Generator shield entity to clients
- Fixed ÜberCharge Generator granting infinite overheal after the owner Medic disconnects from the server
- Fixed ÜberCharge Generator granting indefinite ÜberCharge to the owner Medic when switching Medi Guns
- Updated the Fishwhacker:
- Increased the amount of knockback that ragdolls receive from Fishwhacker kills
- Updated the Tranquilizer Gun:
- Fixed Tranquilizer Gun darts sticking to disguised Spies
Map Changes
- Updated vipr_2bridge:
- Fixed a bug where rounds would end immediately when server time ran out, instead of letting the round finish
- Fixed lighting and detailing bugs on a building on RED's side
- Adjusted cap times to match Drizzle
- Lowered cap times at mid to 7 (down from 8)
- Lowered cap times at final to 9 (down from 11)
- Updated vipr_drizzle:
- Fixed a bug where rounds would end immediately when server time ran out, instead of letting the round finish
- Fixed several clipping issues
- Updated dom_railway:
- Adjustments to train kill triggers
- Health and ammo adjustments
- Replaced all small health kits with medium health kits
- Added new health kits at A
- Moved medium ammo packs at point A to cover
- Replaced the lower medium ammo pack between A and B with a full ammo pack
- Updated ctf_2fort:
- The map's original fog controllers and color correction work as intended again after being broken for several updates, and now use the new fog_volume entity for greater reliability
General Changes
- Fixed further cases of Intel GPU users having malformed shaders
- If you're still facing issues, use the following launch options: -force_vendor_id 0x10DE -force_device_id 0x1180
- Fixed further cases of clients crashing when attempting to delete cached sprays after disconnecting from a server or changing maps
- Fixed a longstanding crash caused by bots trying to pick a class
- Fixed some miscellaneous crashes in the weapon attribute manager
- Fixed a crash with flaming arrows pinning ragdolls against walls
- Fixed broken scaling for detail textures on SDK_VertexLitGeneric shader materials
- Fixed a rare crash when determining what disguise weapons a Spy should have
- Fixed Medic's player model being accidentally replaced with its HWM version
- Fixed Medic's ragdoll having missing physics meshes for backpack and left hand
- Fixed some cases of Escape Artist and Down With The Ship achievements not being granted sometimes
- Fixed set_burstmode weapon attribute not respecting mult_postfiredelay attribute values
- Fixed blendrockgroundwallsnow.vmt being visually inconsistent with live TF2
- Removed an intrepid researcher that wormed his way back into Powerhouse
- Merged more FGD changes by vizzys
- The Engineer's left hand now has its lightwarp enabled again
- Players with long names are properly welcomed back on the main menu again
- Reduced clickable area on the main menu server list panel refresh button
- Main menu server list panel no longer displays bot players in the player count indicator
- Main menu server list panel now displays player count before map name
- Added -sentry_consent (1/0) launch option to mitigate some potential crashes
- Reverted cl_showfps and cl_showpos HUDs back to their original position
- Refactored achievement_status command to have more readable output
- Exposed the following functions to VScript: GetPlayerByIndex, GetPlayerByUserId, GetPlayerByName, UTIL_IsValidEntity
- Fixed English closed captions not using proper Russian for some of Heavy's voicelines
- The Heavy will no longer say "I am bulletproof!" when he is, in fact, not bulletproof
- Added, rewrote, and adjusted many loading screen tips
- Updated localization files
- Updated medals