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Tc hydro.webp
Basic Information
Map type Territorial Control
File name tc_hydro
Release date December 31, 2014 (1.0.0)
Developer(s) Valve
Map info
Environment Industrial
Setting Day

Hydro is an official Territorial Control map, and is currently the only Territorial Control map in the game, likely due to the complexity of making such a map. It is set between the BLU energy production facility and the RED radio communications facility, based around a hydroelectric dam somewhere in a desert canyon.

Hydro is a complicated map. While each discrete section of the map is relatively simple, the map combines sections together in a sprawling and haphazard fashion. A series of gates and shutters dictates access between each section, opening and closing at the start of each round. Effectively, the flow of each game is randomized, though with a method to the madness.

The map is structured around six Control Points: two bases for RED and BLU, and four segments in the middle, with RED and BLU owning two each to start. At any time, only two points are available, and one team must capture the other. The exceptions are at the bases, where only the base control point exists. When a team captures a point, they gain control over a segment, hence the name "territorial control." Altogether, there are six different configurations of the middle points, and eight configurations in total.

Before each round, the map randomly changes to two of the four middle segments, with one Control Point for each team. If a team owns all four middle segments, the next round instead changes to a base assault. The winning team must capture the base's Control Point, while the losing team must defend until time runs out. If time runs out, and the round is not a base assault, the round goes to sudden death. When a team captures all Control Points in the map, they win.

Hydro was added to Team Fortress 2 Classic on December 31, 2014, in its initial 1.0.0 release. It was developed by Valve, and was one of the six maps Team Fortress 2 launched with on October 10, 2007. Its layout was later adapted for the TF2 Classic map Hydro (Domination).



TC Hydro Overview.webp

BLU base

The BLU base is set at the tail-end of an energy production facility, deep underground with multiple paths leading to a single control point. BLU always owns this at the start of a game. If RED captures this point, RED wins the game. It is only connected to the Plant.

Point A (Plant)

Point A, the "Plant", is set in a large indoor electrical facility with the point above two turbines. BLU always owns this at the start of a game. It is connected to the BLU base, in addition to the Bridge, Dam, and Dish.

Point B (Bridge)

Point B, the "Bridge", is set outdoors on a tiny bridge above a river of shallow water. BLU always owns this at the start of a game. It is connected to the Plant, Dam, and Dish.

Point C (Dam)

Point C, the "Dam", is set in a gigantic outdoors area on a road leading into a dam. RED always owns this at the start of a game. It is connected to the Plant, Bridge, and Dish.

Point D (Dish)

Point D, the "Dish", is set inside a radio dish with a deep bowl, with the point sheltered from the outdoors. RED always owns this at the start of a game. It is connected to the RED base, in addition to the Plant, Bridge, and Dam.

RED base

The RED base is set in an underground bunker with a single radio dish peeking above, with many paths leading to a central point. RED always owns this at the start of a game. If BLU captures this point, BLU wins the game. It is only connected to the Dish.

Update history

2.0.0 (Death & Taxes Update)
  • Added tc_hydro

2.1.0 (Fight or Flight Update)

  • Updated select stock maps to improve clipping, fix exploits, and improve visuals


  • Replaced use of water_2fort_expensive (which visually regressed in a previous update to look almost invisible) with a new waterflow_hydro_daytime
  • Cubemaps across the map now have their boundaries set in most cases (this took four hours)
  • Reduced map size from 65MiB to 36MiB