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Revision as of 05:34, 17 May 2023 by MrStonkles (talk | contribs) (Mentioned the Civ's healing rate)
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Civilian RED.png
Civilian BLU.png
Civilian GRN.png
Civilian YLW.png
Basic Information
Icon Leaderboard class civilian.png
Type Special
Health 200 (300 with overheal)
Speed 93%

The Civilian is a special class for the VIP game mode, where he needs to be escorted by his body guards, the BLU team, while attempting to avoid being killed by the assassins who are on the RED team. The Civilian is designed to be weak but useful to his team, somewhat like the Medic.

He has the fastest capture-rate out of all classes in the game, capturing five times faster than normal, and he can grant mini-crit boosts to his teammates while providing a passive 20% damage resistance boost and passive healing at a rate of 5HP/s to 15HP/s for any teammate around him. In addition, granting a mini-crit boost to the medic will increase both the heal and Über rate. However, he's only equipped with the Umbrella which is functionally identical to the bat, he's also rather slow, only moving as fast as a Demoman. Even with 200 health points, he should be staying behind the front lines otherwise he can easily get killed quickly, especially by any assassins who are willing to die in order to take his life.

In the VIP game mode, his goal is to reach the escape zone before the time runs out. His team serves as body guards escorting him while clearing out any assassins. Most of the time, his death results in time being removed, giving less time for the Civilian to reach the escape zone once he respawns. In certain maps, such as Trainyard, his death can result to an instantaneous defeat for his team, no matter how much time there was left.

The Civilian is voiced by Benjamin "Benjamoose" Rudman.


Name: William D. Billingsworth (real name: Orson W. Jenkins)

Location of origin: Dorset, England

Job: Escape (Oil Baron)

Motto: No Motto

Special ability: Boost

Known as "Dollar Bill" to his friends (a self-given nickname, as he has none), the rich, haughty, and rather portly Civilian is a man with a target on his back. Paranoid, he hires mercenaries to protect him from the various men and organizations that are after him. His two loves are his life and his money, and he wants to maintain those for as long as he possibly can. But so long as there are people who want him dead out there, he's going to have to use that money he loves dearly to keep himself alive.



Weapon Kill icon
Backpack Umbrella.png
Killicon umbrella.png


As a Civilian…

  • …keep up with your teammates to have a better chance of survival.
  • …nearby teammates will be protected from damage within your morale boost's radius. You yourself however, remain excluded.
  • …hit MOUSE2 on a teammate to give them a 10 second boost of mini-crits.
  • …you're rather slow. Try your best to keep up with your teammates.
  • …your umbrella isn't very effective as a weapon. Let your teammates fight for you.
  • …you capture control points the fastest out of any other class.
  • …be sure to watch out for enemy Spies, as they're capable of killing you instantly.

Related achievements

VIP achievements

Achievement Description
Tf2c win civilian nodeaths.png The Entrepreneur Win a round of VIP as the Civilian without dying once.
Tf2c heal civilian.png Loyal Servant Accumulate 5000 points from healing the Civilian.
Tf2c dominate civilian.png Restraining Order Violation Dominate the Civilian within a round of VIP.
Tf2c kill civilian disguiseboost.png Fraudulent Transaction As a Spy, kill the Civilian using the boost given by him.
Tf2c achievement vip protect unseen.png Undercover Boss As the Civilian, help your teammates resist 2000 damage from enemies while you're behind cover.
Tf2c achievement killstreak while vip boosted.png Employee of the Month Kill 3 enemies while under the effect of your VIP's buff.
Tf2c achievement vip teammate killstreak damage boost.png World's Best Boss Have a teammate buffed by your Umbrella kill 3 enemies.
Tf2c achievement vip kill crit killstreak.png Hostile Takeover Kill 2 enemies with the crit boost provided by killing the enemy team's VIP.
Tf2c achievement kill vip damagers.png Look Out for the Little Guy Kill 20 enemies that recently damaged your VIP while he is still alive.
Tf2c achievement protect vip as medic.png Urgent Care As a Medic, kill an enemy who is attacking your VIP.

Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
Bulgarian Цивилен Civilian
Spanish Civilian -
English Civilian -
French Civilian -
German Civilian -
Hungarian Civil Civilian
Italian Civile Civilian
Polish Cywil Civilian
Brazilian Portuguese Civilian -
Romanian Civilian -
Russian Гражданский Civilian
Turkish Civilian -


  • The Civilian originated in Team Fortress Classic, and was considered for Team Fortress 2 during it's development, but never went anywhere past very early gameplay test phases.
  • The model for the Civilian was originally made for a custom game-mode in standard Team Fortress 2 called "Hunted", before being adopted by the developers.
  • In VIP, the Civilian cannot kill himself through a kill-bind.
  • If you call for Medic, there's a chance the Civilian will say "Excuse me, I'm in need of medical attention!", which is a reference to one of the Medic lines in Team Fortress Classic.
  • Despite not being one of the 9 mercenaries, the Civilian can still be Übercharged. This implies he had a surgical procedure performed by the Medic to gain an Übercharge implant.
