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Revision as of 04:09, 23 October 2024 by VivaRomania (talk | contribs) (It's a 3x3 pattern not a 9x9 pattern. If it was 9x9, it would be shooting 81 bullets.)
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Backpack Shotgun.png
Kill Icons
Killicon shotgun.png
Killicon taunt pyro.png
Basic Information
Used by Engineer, Soldier, Pyro, Heavy
Slot Primary, Secondary
Ammo loaded 6
Ammo carried 32
Loadout Stats



"Sometimes, you just have to do things yourself."



"My shotgun disagrees with your will to live, maggot!"



"Let this do the talking."



"Heavy will make do with this."

The Shotgun is the default primary weapon for the Engineer and the default secondary weapon for the Soldier, Pyro, and Heavy. It's a sawed-off, pump-action shotgun, with a dark metal barrel, and a wooden stock and forearm.

The Shotgun has the same statistics on all classes, with the exception of slightly different reload times. It holds 6 shells at a time, firing 10 bullets in a 3x3 pattern with the 10th bullet overlapping the center bullet. This naturally leads to the shotgun landing more bullets at closer ranges, making it an excellent option for dealing burst damage. This is supplemented by its large base damage of 6 per bullet, 150% damage ramp-up for 9 damage per bullet at point-blank, and a fast firing speed of about once every 0.6 seconds. Despite being relegated to a sidearm, the Shotgun is one of the most reliable weapons in the game, and its deadliness should not be underestimated.

The strategy and usage of the Shotgun is slightly different for each class, with a shared theme of increased mobility, mid-range viability, and close-range damage:

  • On Engineer, the Shotgun is used as his primary weapon, and is his best source of damage when he is caught without a Sentry Gun. When defending his buildings from enemy assault, the Shotgun can supplement Sentry damage and kill enemies before they have a chance to destroy it. It is especially effective against enemy Spies who get too close to his encampment.
  • On Soldier, the Shotgun is used to supplement the low clip size of the Rocket Launcher, being a backup weapon in case he cannot reload his rockets in time, or if usage of such would cause him to explode. It is also used for finishing off enemies that are running away, where the slow velocity of the rockets may not reach them in time. In addition, it functions as an anti-Pyro weapon, countering the Flame Thrower's ability to airblast away his rockets.
  • On Pyro, the Shotgun is used to shoot enemies that are out of range of their Flame Thrower, in addition to dealing more damage per second than the Flame Thrower against a singular target. It is often used as the main weapon against an enemy that is suffering afterburn, and offers the Pyro a degree of mobility that is not viable when using the Flame Thrower. In addition, it is highly effective against enemy Pyros, or other enemies hiding underwater. Taunting with the Shotgun will cause the Pyro to do the Hadouken kill taunt, shared with the Flare Gun and Twin Barrel.
  • On Heavy, the Shotgun is used for mobile assaults, such as when chasing an enemy that is hiding out of sight of his Minigun, or when travelling in a space where the Minigun cannot be spun up in time. The high ammo consumption of the Minigun also makes usage of the Shotgun a necessity when sources of ammo are scarce.


Shot type Hitscan
Damage type Bullet
Ranged or Melee? Ranged
Taunt Hoedown
Maximum ramp-up 150% 90
Base damage 100% 60
Maximum fall-off 52.8% 32
Critical 180
Mini-crit 81
Mini-crit (ramp-up) 122
Bullet count 10
Spread 0.0675
Loaded 6
Carried 32
Reload type Single
Function Times
Attack interval 0.625 s
First reload 1 s
0.87 s
Further reloads 0.51 s
All values are approximate.

Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
Bulgarian Ловджийска пушка Shotgun
Spanish Escopeta Shotgun
English Shotgun -
French Fusil à pompe Shotgun
German Schrotflinte Shotgun
Hungarian Sörétes puska Shotgun
Italian Fucile a pompa Shotgun
Polish Strzelba Shotgun
Brazilian Portuguese Escopeta Shotgun
Romanian Shotgun -
Russian Дробовик Shotgun
Turkish Av Tüfeği Shotgun
Ukrainian Рушниця Shotgun


  • In old versions of Team Fortress 2 Classic, the Medic had the Shotgun as an alternative primary weapon. However, it was considered harmful for his class design, as players preferred to fight with the Shotgun instead of healing teammates.